
By fitzbilly

The Ivy

A busy day.

We've been to Cheltenham (on the bus, front seats, yay!) to meet up with our friends N&D for lunch at The Ivy. They had been to the one in Covent Garden and liked it so suggested we try the Cheltenham one. We  were mightily impressed. Great food and presentation, with great service. The only downside was that I realised when we got home that we  had been overcharged for an extra set meal. Hopefully I can get that  sorted out tomorrow.

After the lunch we walked back with them to their car in the John Lewis car park. They had to get back in time to go to the Villa v Liverpool match this evening but we had time for a quick coffee etc on the way. We still had a bit of time before our bus and mrsfb managed to get her brows done in JL.

In the evening it was time for the camera club treasure hunt around Cirencester. It was touch and go with the weather but around 20 intrepid members came along and braved the light rain, at least until it became too heavy and required a retreat to the pub. Anyway it all seemed to go well.

One year ago:
Spotlessly Clean

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