
By flavia13


What a dreich day.  Haven't done much today as I had one of my poor nights last night so haven't felt like it.  Have been tidying photo files again.  

Now this wee fella has been taunting me all morning.   He has been runing along the wall of our lounge's balcony then pausing, especially when I've been stood just on the inside and looking right at me, with his tail feathers raised and looking perfect for a great close up shot.  He did this several times so at last I was ready for him, only to discover the the window was so wet with rain steaking down them that I couldn't get a focus!!!!! So instead I've caught him on top of our garden shed.  

He has the most gorgeous song ever, but I couldn't capture him mid song, so this will  have to be my blip for the day.   

The other one I like is in extras - it's like he's saying to me "so you still can't be my photo huh!!!".

It's now 1:45 and at last it has stopped raining - yeah to that, mind it's still better than being too hot.

That's all from me for today, do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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