curns' corner

By curns

We had no plans today, and it started leisurely. PY and I walked to the beach for a coffee in Cafe Mocca. The others joined us, and I upgraded my order to include a prawn roll. The menu implied that it would be quite small and a snack, but it turned out to be much bigger. The egg mayonnaise element was so unexpected that, initially, I thought they had brought me the wrong order. 

Next, we took a walk along the beach. For some reason, I decided that I'd like to walk at the water's edge and get my feet wet. M joined me. PY stayed on the dry sand, and R on the path. The water was cold and refreshing - but not too cold. I was happy that there were places to wash my feet before I put my shoes back on. I made it to the Spar, where we added a few things to the leftovers from last night's tapas to create lunch.

Dinner was at a restaurant in the nearby Matagorda commercial centre. It had multiple addresses in the various apps we used to find dining places, and it transpired that it had recently moved. It was a contentious choice because it's very different from the other tourist restaurants. I can't say it's more or less authentic, but it feels so. Dishes, while larger than tapas, are served to share and come out as they are ready: pork cheeks were meaty with a deliciously sweet sauce, chicken thighs with saffron and olives were, perhaps, less tasty than they could have been, and the codfish was substantial if unexciting and the meatballs rich and delicious. It was a great menu with something for everybody, but the others were less impressed. We were all delighted by the local wine. 

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