
By Bom

Greedy Guts

A poor quality photo as via a RGB feed to the tv, but I thought you might like to see the six chicks being fed by a blue tit parent. They visibly grow every day, unsurprisingly given the number of food trips the parents undertake, not to mention they then have to take the fecal sacs away (the equivalent of disposable nappies!). It’s now getting a bit of a squash in the nest bowl. They’ll fledge eighteen days after hatching, so as they hatched between 5th and 7th May, they’re about half way there. 

Today I gave my other patio a good wash and brush up and a path too, still more to do tomorrow. I did two more washing loads today which dried quickly and I ironed this afternoon, so I’m now up to date after my washing machine breaking and being replaced. I also did an hour of weeding / tidying in the garden and planted some more spring onions (the other seeds didn’t grow).  

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