curns' corner

By curns


Then, about 5pm, off to Flight Club again. I took the Waterloo and City line to Bank station and then walked from there. Due to my misreading of Google Maps, the route was indirect. Eventually, I recognised where I should be.

More people were invited to this month's round, and I was surprised when I arrived at the pub to find it was just the supplier's team and none of my colleagues were there. We decamped from the pub to the venue and ordered a drink. Eventually, the others arrived. Yet again, the hospitality was great: we had dinner (the chicken burger was excellent) and then played various dart games.

Like the last time, my performance was patchy. In one game, I was required to hit 17 with each dart to win — and it happened. There is a video of Cornelia's (and, to be fair, my own) shock. It was excellent, and we ended up winning that game. After winning a game and doing OK in several other rounds, it seems odd that my overall personal score was low. But it's the taking part, right?

I stayed for a little while as the others departed. Alex had rushed out to get a train as his connections en route were delayed, but I left at the end of the evening with a 76-bus ride to Waterloo.

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