Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

I have been a very good girl

Today’s picture is of me, Florence. I was also allowed to write the message, which Dougal does sometime.
Last night my mummy noticed that I was limping and when she tried to look at my paw, I put my teeth in her hand; not very hard though.
Today I went in the very new cat carrier to the vets; it is the first time it has been used. Do you know I have not been to the vets since I was six months old! Anyway, I was very good and did not bite, scratch or make any fuss. I had to be weighed, I am very small and only weight 2.6 kilos. Rosemary, the vet, listened to my heart and said it was good, although it was difficult to hear as I was purring all the time. I have an infection in my toe, not sure where I got that from. The vet gave me two injections and then I have to have some antibiotic tablets for five days starting tomorrow. Then I came home in the car carrier. If it does not get better, I have to go back again.
My paw is already starting to feel better and I have eaten some of Dougal’s food as well as walking on my poorly paw a bit more.
The temperature at noon today was seventeen degrees Celsius.  

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