Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Landscape with Comfrey

I went out very early to the water meadows this morning to get a WidWed landscape for today's challenge.  As you can see, the weather was glorious.  The little chestnut-brown blobs in the field are greylag geese.  It's quite funny really, the greylags all keep to this field while the Canada Geese graze in the field next door.  In order to include the comfrey (Common Comfrey - Symphytum officianale) I had to climb up a bank and cling onto a fence post, but I did like the splash of pink against all that blue and green.

And - for almost the first time ever - I saw a cuckoo!  Actually, I heard him close behind me, but as I turned so did he and flew away  ;(

To those of you who have been able to sneak in messages, can I say a big thank you for being so kind.  Many thanks also go to BobsBlips for hosting today's challenge.  As for WildFlowerWeek, the results of WFW24_06 will be in my journal tomorrow - thank you for your patience.

And have a good evening, all  xx

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