
By pandieb


Orange Cat did end up at the Vet today, mainly as his neurotic Mummakit (me) didn't want to pay £300 over the weekend for an emergency appointment. Arron (the 12 year old vet) shaved, prodded and poked, stuck a (cold metal) thermometer up his (the cats) bum, stuck a needle in the lump and squeezed and decided it was probably a haematoma and not an abscess. Phew! He (Arron) gave him (the cat) an anti inflammatory jab and some - oral - antibiotics. And then wished me luck getting the cat to take them (cats and pills, if you've got one you'll know the fun I have to come).  I won't say how much that lot cost me but we're all much happier now. 

After some Dreamies and most of his first pill (the cat), Himself and I went on a walk along the Regents Canal in London, from Angel through to Limehouse. It's a lovely urban walk and once you get away from the idiotic cyclists is full of wildlife; coots, moorhens, Canada geese, random ducks,  cormorants and this fantastic heron.

We stopped off in a friend's pub for a couple and then headed home.

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