The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Man on a bike (MrFT)

Another excellent photo. Man on a bike. Navigating that Leith Walk. cycle path. Bravo, Sir. We were on our way up to the Apple Store to have a gawp at their shiny new iMacs with their M3 chip or somesuch. M’lady’s is a good ten years old y’see and is sooo slow that well, waiting for it to open an app even tests my patience. And I’m patient to a fault, me. She wants so much storage unfortunately that she can’t get one off the shelf: it’ll have to be hand crafted in silicon valley presumably using all their remaining silicon deposits.
Later, a film. Fall Guy. Oh my gawd, it’s awful. Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt can’t save this dross. Overlong sub-romantic nonsense. Patience, Jimbo? Get me a gun.

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