Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Canal Ride

About 11.30am we met up with our friends, Steve & Julia from the Cotswolds, at Bathampton, nr Bath (Somerset, UK) to do a twenty mile cyle ride around the City.

It was a beautiful sunny day and the canal was busy with festival goers, walkers, cyclists and canal boat trips. We hadn't long set off when I spotted the couple at the front of their canal boat enjoying chilled champagne. I stopped to take their photo' and we exchanged some banter - they were enjoying their ride as we were ours!

We rode to a cafe/stables (Riders Rest) at Wellow where I had the best coffee for some time! An Italian family, I'm informed had 'The Hotel Inspector' (a tv programme) to revitalise their business. It was busy so looks like it worked!

We got back to our car late afternoon with the mileage totalling nineteen miles.  We had a brew before driving home through the beautiful Wye Valley via Chepstow and The Old Severn Bridge. Back home we sat out our garden enjoying the sun.

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