The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Community noticeboard with cow parsley

It' gets quite hard to read the noticeboards at this time of year! Today was another lovely day. V texted me to say she was on her way to the airport. She's off to S. Africa for two weeks. Next up was a call from 'Nightingale Weddings' who have been stalking me by phone..Turns out that it was my neighbour's daughter from France. I was quite annoyed, because I'd already told another family member on Friday that my neighbour was alive and well, but they were all concerned because her phone was off the hook, despite my having left her a note asking her to call off the search party. I got dressed and went round. Guess what? She had been having trouble with her landline so had decided to abandon it, and buy a mobile phone. The only thing was, she didn't really know how to use it. She thought she had sent a message, but then again, maybe she hadn't. She had been to the library, but the drop -in team had not been able to help her. I stayed for a cup of tea and told her about another drop-in for tech support.  Time passed. 

GG came round. She didn't want to go the food festival because she said she didn't dare to eat street food. I pointed out that we were in the UK, with it's strict hygiene rules, but she demurred. We went for a walk along the canal instead, to Ebley mill and Kitsch cafe, where we drank coffee outside, (where there are germs!) rThe sun scorched down. 

We walked back to the car, where I told her that I was not going to sort out her passwords/travel insurance (I did not want to go to her house because it's miles away, and I'm sick of being her tech support  I told her about the drop in for tech support). 

Steve and I sat around in the garden/cabin, reading the papers. The weather was still glorious. We had a different type of curry from our usual one for supper, and now I'm thinking that I will never be able to digest part of it.. I wonder what it was?

I'm grateful for three glorious days of sunshine. 

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