The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Welsh poppies outside the church

I went to the town surgery today. They put me in a room where I could not see any sky or weather.. At lunch time I walked over to my host surgery (which isn't really hosting us anymore) for a monthly meeting. This surgery is in 'the old Catholic quarter' and next to the church, where some brand new planting had just been popped in, in the car park. Couldn't resist the poppies!

Back at the town surgery, I worked, including doing some online training preparatory to  training  day on Zoom on Thursday. They want us to do twelve hours of online training before  the course!  I've managed 30% so far, nearly work time. Though Health Coaching is a subject that interests me, I'm still aghast. Hours don't grow on any trees that I know of. 

Walked home, because I'd missed the bus. Finished the current chunk of online training. Ate an ice lolly and a cereal bar. Did my memoir writing homework first draft. Steve cooked me a fish finger and I had some soup while watching Scotland's new wild. Reed beds have been restored in Tayside, and bearded tits are back, along with beavers, though not in the same lodge/nest. I know not everyone likes beavers, but they do look sweet. 

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