The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


This shot is a bit too busy 
Like my head, it fizzes with colour 
And contrasting objects

I did many more health coaching modules today. Practised using the techniques on a few calls. Working from home was duller then being in the office. I was nearly finished for the day when Steve called out that Indie had brought in a bird. It was very damaged, poor thing, but still attempting to fly. We managed to collect it in a plastic box and slide a circus programme underneath, then I slipped the gardening shoes on over my slipper socks and took it out the garden. We kept trying to lock Indie out but she repeatedly came back in. I laid the bird down in the jungle of our garden it was still moving, but I think it will die. RIP Great Tit.

Writing class was at 6.30 on Zoom. I've decided I want to carry on with it if it returns in Sept. But how will I manage yoga and film club, too? Maybe I'll find a way. Perhaps it'll be held on a different night. That would useful..

I watched The Gullspang Miracle on BBC 4. It's from the Storyville strand, and concerns the true story of some Norwegian sisters residing in Sweden who go to buy a house from a woman who seems the spitting image of their sister, who died in 1988. I won't tell you what happened next, except that it involves DNA testing, the spectre of Nazism, evangelical Christianity, intellectual boasting, and maybe even a murder. If that sounds like your kind of thing and you're  able to watch it, I'd love to know what you make of it...


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