Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Flying Baskettail

I stayed close to home this morning, enjoying some time with the swallows who've now laid their first egg.  I also discovered that the wren king has a second female who has started laying eggs in one of my boxes.  A box that I thought had been abandoned has 6 eggs and this box has 3.  A normal clutch for house wrens is 6 so I'm sure the second nest isn't done yet.  So I now have 4 of my 5 nest boxes occupied!  

I sat on the front steps for some time this morning while the male swallow stayed at the box, watching me.  I was only maybe 15 feet away and he didn't seem bothered at all which bodes well for getting some photos when the eggs hatch and they start feeding the babies.  Good times!

After lunch, I decided to head out to see if I could find some dragons.  I went to a lake that usually has a lot of ode action and was surprised not to see much on the water.  But I walked up to a wooded area above the lake and found a large number of baskettail dragons hunting.  They conveniently sometimes hover for a few seconds which makes getting shots like this possible if one is very fast.  It's a lot like photographing swallows in flight - loads of fun and lots of missed shots.  Anyway, I had a lot of fun.  

Heading out now to take Jax for a short walk.  He just separated the cat bed from its stuffing so I think he's a bit bored...  Thanks to Incrediblish for hosting Tiny Tuesday!


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