Daily Wild

By emyjane

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I don't ever blow my own trumpet - I was really bad at the recorder at school, so I doubt I could blow a trumpet even if I tried - but I'm really happy over how my new paintings for Art Trek have turned out. Apart from a few hand painted 1" pendant pictures, I haven't painted for real for well over 18 months, since my mum got ill & then when she died, I lost my biggest critic, she was the one who pushed me to paint better, to work harder & without her, picking up a paint brush & applying colour to canvas has been incredibly difficult & too emotional. But this time I had to. And I did. My dad loves them - which is good too! I used the paint my mum bought me before she died - Golden acrylics - the colours are so vibrant, so buttery. She also bought me some Lukas studio & Old Holland oil - some of the finest oil paints on the market. I will use some oils soon, now I have the bug for painting again & expressing myself in this way. Each & every one is affordable, the most expensive being a mere £60. It's nothing! I'm also selling my other items - jewellery, cards, hanging decorations etc.

And Dudley comes for a blip...

Upwards spirit

Warm day with a breeze, tomorrow it will be the start of the heatwave here - 80 degrees - I can't wait, as I LOVE heat so much, I love that sense of hanging heated air. And boy do us British all need it after years & years of cold & washed out Summers! :) xxx

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