still dancing... this little daisy

found in the wild

it's one of the many things i love about daisies... they are so very resilient - hardy - long-lasting - they stand up to almost anything thrown at them - regardless of what the weather does, there they remain - blowing in the breeze - gently waving at you - a beacon of hope...

a reminder to carry on - all will be well - you have the strength - determination against all odds to make it through whatever - in this case, for me - the whatever is that, indeed, my "stupid rash" - has made a reappearance - in spite of being careful - apparently not careful enough - ack! the itch has begun, the bumps have surfaced and i'm faced with a resurgence of what i fought last summer - (i believe it was the cactus)... however, this year i'm wiser and better armed - like the daisy - will still dance in spite of it - will not allow it to get the upper hand this time around and that my friends, definitely makes it...


happy day.....

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