From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Damn! I can't think of a title!

Good job these two fellows were having a bit of a sulking session outside my back window or I'd have had to lend Bony my new hat and ask him to strike a pose!

I don't think he'd have been helpful today as he'd been in a strop since I got back from Ayr. Apparently I got him the wrong colour kilt - red to go with his scarf - when he actually wanted blue to go with his eyes and occasional hat. Oh well, don't rule it out. The week is long......

It's been another hot day here in the Midlands and after my long walk yesterday, I was probably well off to stay in out of the sun for a day. I kept the blinds shut virtually all day until it was time to log off and then I had a lovely long chat by the time it was ended I definitely wasn't in the mood to go anywhere. It took me ages to straighten my arm out anyway! Some injuries are worth having though, aren't they? I have been told several times over the years that I should have been a doctor. Unfortunately, it wasn't anything to do with my caring, sympathetic nature and lovely bedside manner but because my handwriting has always been terrible! Hmmmm I must practise, but not the writing. That's what we have computers for.

This is a deliberately short blip by the way. It was asked on Twitter @Blipfoto earlier about how long the longest blips were and having a bit of a Twitter natter Davetherave1947 said that he always makes sure he's sat down with a cup of tea and comfortable headphones before reading my efforts!

Tea? There will only be time for half a cup today!

Track? I'm in a ZZ Top mood today! - Gimme All Your Lovin'

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