
By Grandmama

Last Day.

Sad day today as our holiday came to an end. Walked to Paddington Station to say good-bye to I - my friend who has been with me for the past two weeks. She was going to Heathrow to fly back to the U.S. Went back to the hotel with another friend who met up with us for the last two days and said good bye to her as she returned to Berkshire. Walked up Baker Street to the tube station to meet Daily Post and go for a super lunch then to Euston for my train home.
This blip is taken on the tube at Baker Street Station. The tiles all show Sherlock Holmes and we saw a lot of him as this was our local station.
Arrived home very, very tired but with wonderful memories of a fantastic trip. We saw and did so much. It will take me weeks to get over it, but who cares? I'll just have to sit and plan the next one!!

If you're interested in looking at the journal, it starts here.

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