
By blipblog

New features: favourites, about and just me

New features are just like buses - you wait ages for one then loads come along at the same time...

If you're a founding member, you'll now see a lovely little love heart in the super-sexy control panel we added on Tuesday.

This allows you to declare the blip you're looking at as a personal favourite. But don't go clicky-crazy - you only get three favourites every 24 hours. (You can favourite any entry, whether the journal belongs to a paying member or not.)

To see your favourites, you'll have to go to your new 'about' page. To do this, just click on 'about this journal' at the bottom of any of your entries, select 'my about page' under 'My Journal' in the menu on the home page, or go to (replacing 'shortname' with your own).

When you get there you'll find a whole new set of thumbnails which allow anyone to browse your journal, subscriptions and favourites.

You'll also notice an interesting new feature we've called 'Blipfeed', which automatically updates when you do certain things on blip, and things happen to your journal.

If you add an entry, post something in the forums, favourite an image, subscribe to another journal, someone else favourites an entry of yours, subscribes to your journal, your entry hits the spotlight page, or you hit an blip anniversary, it will appear here.

Finally, just to the right of your biography, you'll see a little list of your 20 most-used tags which all click through to the search engine.

As ever, any questions or problems, pop them below!

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