From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Roll on Monday!

Just kidding! Well, a bit. Actually, I am looking forward to a lie in until 8:30 assuming I can sleep....

Quiet day here. Nothing to report so this really will be a quickie today. After a seemingly endless day, I logged off and set out for a definite walk today with no messing about with big leaky hoses!

The air was so heavy and hot, the sun bore down on me unmercifully so I got as far as the Coventry Road and then jumped on a 71 seeking the cool cover of the trees on the canal getting off a stop early as I knew my phone was about to ring. I sat down on my usual little ledge and had a lovely chat while sat there in the quiet. No one else was around; not a single barge passed me while I sat there. After a little while, a big Dalmation came bounding up to me joyfully with the lethargic owner dawdling far behind. I thought he was going to eat my phone (dog not man!) but thank goodness he just decided to slobber all over my left knee instead! Foamy drool everywhere left me with a soggy leg. I told my wonderful companion on the phone about it and he suggested I take a photo of my gooey knee for my Blip today. I told him that was a bad idea as I had put most people off their tea on Wednesday with my mouldy mug picture....

Today's picture is off my usual bridge with the sunlight reflecting through the trees onto the murky waters. I walked for another couple of miles and then walked back up again phoning mom on the way. She is fine and enjoying the weather in Ayr as usual.

I got back home, drank a load of water and then threw sausages and cauliflower cheese in the oven and threw my slobbery trousers in the washing machine. Good job I got those things the right way round eh?

I had another quick lovely chat while dinner was cooking. No cremations today! There endeth Friday...

Track? Here is a nice summery Cream cracker - Sunshine of Your Love

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