From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Santana, Pigeon and I

I am writing quickly as I have a lot to say for a change.

1) Last night - Santana - a hot, raunchy night! Sat ten rows from the front It was a good view and I was able to get loads of photographs without too much trouble. It was a very lively concert with everyone on their feet dancing within ten minutes. I just shuffled from one foot to the other trying to get my shot taking in Latin American fast tempo time! It worked! There were several funky chicken impersonations (I think) with invisible hula hoops going, swaying hips everywhere. Carlos was wonderful as usual talking of peace, love and S-E-X! If there had been windows in there, they would have been all steamed up in the sultry atmosphere rocking from side to side like a passion wagon parked at the edge of the sand.

Some photos are here - Santana

2) Today - pretty much the usual but good as I tracked down my duplicate rows problem and started investigating something else. It was a productive day and I ticked a few boxes by the time I logged off at 3:15pm. It was another day with the blinds shut all day and the fan on full blast to ward off dozy feelings in the warmth. The second lovely chat of the day brought great overdue news from a wonderful friend and urged on, I decided to head out for a walk.

I got my khaki walking trousers and boots on and got ready to run out in search of a blip but a couple of little blue tits looked so fed up and thirsty, I went out to wrestle with the garden hose to fill up the bird bath. The leaky hose whirled everywhere like a mad snake and I was soaked from head to toe! Dratted thing! I squelched back into the house once I'd managed to get the tap to go off and gave up going out for today...

Good job my lovely pigeon decided to put in an appearance to provide me with today's picture! I had lovely chat number 3 while I cremated my pork chop soon after but it all tasted good to me....

Track? One from last night - Samba Pa Ti

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