From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Damn! I just missed it!

I was running like a nutcase to the airport to catch a plane and there it went, over my head as I was trying to run across the Coventry Road.....

Of course I am pulling your leg! I am sat here absolutely knackered now, excuse the expression. Having the day entirely to myself, I rang mom and then went out for a bit of a walk as it was a lot cooler. I headed up to Elmdon Park for a change where I haven't been for years. It took me a while to find the entrance from the Old Lode Lane end and when I got there I seriously wondered why I had bothered. There were dogs and kids on bikes everywhere. (The dogs weren't on bikes). A big slobbery thing the size of a pit pony ran towards me where I was sat on a bench drinking water and decided to drool all over me. That's the second time in three days! Have I got a big label in doggie speak written on me somewhere saying 'All slobber donations gratefully received?'. The dog was called Walter I soon found out from the laughing owners. Lovely! Good grief....

Anyway, I smiled through clenched teeth and then fled out of the park to the pub around the corner to wash my sticky hands and thought I might as well have a pint of Abbot! I'd forgotten that place served it as it had been several years since I'd been in there. The place lost its entertainment licence a while back due to all the nearby residents' complaints about the noise on Saturday nights. I got a Scottish twenty out as the surly bartender started to pour and I got that look. The pub went deathly quiet and I could almost see the tumbleweed roll across the room. The bar tender looked at me as if I had just tried to pay with a dog turd and said 'We don't take Scottish or Euro notes. English only please!' I told him I hadn't anything else which was true as I stock up with loads before leaving Ayr. Mr Chuckles behind the bar said 'You can pay by card if you like.' I politely declined and then I'm ashamed to say I told him he could stick his pint up his arse before leaving the pub very quickly. I was quite appalled at my language but I was almost smiling by the time I got back in the park. I won't be going back in that place again!

I then decided to follow the sound of the planes and after about an hour of walking I came out through the bushes and emerged on the Coventry Road right opposite the hotel where mom used to work years ago. It was the good side of the road as at least on that side the pavement continues. On the other side you have no chance. I walked down to the lights where the planes come in and stood there for twenty minutes with camera ready but I find it really difficult taking pictures overhead and just couldn't time it right. This was the best of the bad bunch. I gave up after a while and walked further along until I was able to join a path that took me back across the road to Birmingham International Station/Airport and NEC/LG Arena. It's not really designed for people on foot but after another couple of hours, I could finally go into the station, visit the loo and collapse in a heap to have a Chai latte and a cheese and tomato toastie at a trendy coffee bar. At least the staff at Birmingham International Station are a bit more geared up to accepting Scottish money, thank goodness.

Refreshed, I left there and caught a 900 bus back to the Wheatsheaf. Unfortunately, I was sat next to an elderly lady who smelled like a hundred public toilets joined together and I had to get off the bus three stops early as my latte and toastie were dancing about. Mercifully, once out in the fresh air again, I was fine and retained my snack and walked the short distance back home. Phew! There endeth Sunday.

Tough day. I am shooting myself in the foot but these things happen. I can't pretend to be Miss Sunshine...

Track? Here is an absolute cracker from Nazareth - This Flight Tonight

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