From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

This REALLY is a quickie!

I am struggling to keep my eyes open here so I really will be quick. I'll sleep tonight! Last night was the most peaceful sleep in ages but I just wanted more!

It was cool and overcast this morning and I sat outside the council house first thing with my McDonalds cuppa. I didn't stay there long and soon shuffled slowly inside like a zombie. I think I'd overdone it yesterday in my attempt to walk myself into oblivion and was feeling it a bit today. I felt like I was wading through a swamp and sat down in the dark behind my desk gratefully after turning my three fans on.

I must admit, I didn't feel very lively! Hardly anyone was in and I spent a dull morning trying to get some absence reports to balance. I went to the Apple shop at lunch time to get another data cable for my phone as I'd lost the other one. I nearly took a photo there but felt like a daft nerd and got myself a sandwich from Pret a Mange (where they happily took my Scottish money) and then I sat under a tree in Mell Square. Nuzhat wasn't in today as she has to go in for meetings tomorrow.

My picture is from the place where I was sat. Refreshed, I went back inside and looked at my absence problem anew. Bingo! Bloody obvious all along really!

I left at my usual 3:15, got straight on a bus home and didn't visit the canal. I decided a walk was the last thing I needed. I had a wonderful long chat once I got home. Two hours later, I floated down the stairs and managed not to burn my sausages! What a nice day for a Monday......

Track? I feel like a bit of INXS for a change - Never Tear Us Apart

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