From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

The Sky is Crying

All the promised thunderstorms intended for the Midlands yesterday afternoon were very considerate and didn't put in an appearance until after 4:55am this morning when my alarm went off. The storm was in full swing by the time I got downstairs after my shower and for the first time in weeks I had to put all the lamps on! Winter is coming folks! Look out your scarves and gloves. It's not that far off!

It was a pretty quiet day. Ooops! I just remembered I forgot to do something! Oh well, tomorrow is another day. Tesco Man turned up at the normal time and mercifully, there were no tales of horror to relate. He greeted me with 'Hello Gorgeous!' which I don't mind as it makes me smile as that is how my lovely caller always greets me too which is definitely wonderful... In a world where I all I usually hear is 'Roz, I've got a little problem...' - I hasten to add at this point that I am not a counsellor of any description - or 'You are entitled to £2325 for that accident last year....' or 'Is Mildred there?' - bloody wrong numbers - or market research etc... it's always nice when someone greets you with something else.

Good grief! Sorry I just got distracted then watching River City! They've got Callum back!

Ahem. Where was I? Oh yes. Anyway, the rest of the day passed without incident and then I had a lovely chat later which was the highlight of my day. I stuck the oven on and threw my pork chop in and then dozed off on the settee and ended up with something virtually unrecognisable as food! Oh well....

I had a choice of pictures - rain, squirrel or Mr Pigeon - so I decided on the squirrel with a track to go with the weather - Gary Moore version of The Sky is Crying

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