From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

A currency change!

Today was a pretty busy one and I feel like I'm still in a rush. I hope I am down to a normal pace by the time I am finished writing. I just ran out of time today and am going to have a very busy couple of days to end my week.

It was a day of questions and puzzles and I was glad to escape. Andrew from the DBAs sent me a message in the morning telling me he was off to the Algarve next week and asking if I would accompany him to Marks and Spencers at lunchtime. I confess I was slightly concerned at first that he was going to ask my opinion on swimming trunks or worse - a mankini!! All was well though when Andrew gave me £300 and asked me if I could get him some Euros using my M&S card as you get a special rate with the card and therefore get more Euros for your money. I had to show proof of identity to get the foreign money and was relieved I'd got my passport with the 'stop a clock' horror picture with me. As I have never driven - good job as there is a list of people I'd cheerfully run over - I don't have the suggested driving licence but had my passport due to frequent trips from Scotland. Anyway, I went straight to the bank after that as walking round with all that English money on me was not appealing. Scottish money would have been much nicer!

Afterwards I got myself a chai latte from Costa Coffee and sat on a different bench to Monday in Mell Square again and enjoyed the sunshine. Sorry, this is yet another flowery picture of Solihull. Even though I had my camera around my neck with good intentions of catching a picture on the way home, I had a wonderful chat just as I was nearing home and by the time that was done, thoughts of taking pictures were the last thing on my mind!

By the way, I didn't burn my sausages today!

Track? I am just in the mood for a some classic Peter Green/Fleetwood Mac today - Need Your Love So Bad

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