The Burren

Worth going large

As a once avid potholer/spelunker, with deep troglodytic tendencies, I've always had a great affinity for limestone country. It is no coincidence that I live on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales, perhaps the most charming of all karst topographies, where man and nature have combined to create a landscape with a very special harmony.

I was expecting the Burren to fit the same kind of template but it is different to any other limestone scenery that I've ever seen, and in distinct contrast to the Dales. Although the hills are lower here, this is a wilder landscape and in some ways more dramatic. The limestone escarpments create concentric swirls, almost as if the hills themselves are giant fossils. This view of Slieve Roe from near the summit of Mullagh More, catching the evening light, was quite breathtaking.

PS I've noticed that the year ago blip was just about my favourite shot of 2012. And I think this could easily end up being my favourite shot of 2013. Funny that. I guess photography thrives on the time and opportunity that a holiday provides.

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