The day went from good to bad................

Good things:

The sun has been out for most of the day.

Ann's friend Helga, came round to colour her hair. Ann now looks like a blonde beachbabe middle aged woman. Helga's a bit of a miracle worker. She has covered up all Ann's grey hairs! Definitely a good thing!

Lazooligirl and her son came round for lunch on our sun terrace. Yesterday's rain is old news. That is definitely a good thing. And Lazooligirl coming to visit is also definitely a good thing. BLIP is a good thing because without it we would not have met Lazooligirl and she's lovely.

Bad things:

I went for my afternoon walk along the river at St Erth (that's a good thing). I lost my purple bouncy ball because unfortunately I wanted to do some wallowing so I let go of the ball for a couple of seconds while I put my head under the water. My purple bouncy ball went floating off down the river and because my head was under water I didn't see where it went. Definitely a bad thing.

On the way to the river a 'strange orange warning light' came on in the car. This happened a couple of days ago and a message also flashed up that said, 'check brake pads'. But Ann just ignored it. It didn't happen yesterday so Ann thought it had just been a fluke! However as we were quite near the garage we popped in. We had to sit in the garage for 45mins while the garage people tried to find out what the orange light meant! I was desperate for my walk and I hadn't had a wee or poo for ages. If Ann is taking me to an indoor place she likes to 'toilet' me first so she was a bit worried that I'd think the garage was an OK place to use as a loo. Obviously I didn't!!!!

Anyway to cut a very long story short - the garage people couldn't find anything wrong with the brake pads but told Ann her two front tyres were at illegal levels and needed to be replaced immediately. Definitely a bad thing!

On the way home from the river the 'strange orange warning light' came on again. Definitely a bad thing.

Now we've had to change all our plans for tomorrow. We were going to pick up Ozzy, my gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend, and go for a big long walk near the Helford River with Ann's friend. Now, I'm not going to get a big long walk because Ann has to get new car tyres. That is definitely a very bad thing.

More good things:

The sun is still shining and Ann is going out on the sun terrace with a glass of wine. I will lie out there with her so that she doesn't feel that she's drinking alone?!!

Happy Thursday Night Blippers xx


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