Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

two lizards in a paddling pool

We've had a busy but fun day today. We went to a park in Ipswich called Bourne park, that has a play area AND a paddling pool. The kids loved it, and as we were with a group of friends they had a great time playing and messing about with their chums. We had a play on the park, then and ice cream, a game of what's the time Mr Wolf and then lunch. After lunch the kiddies all went into the paddling pool for a splash about. The youngest of the group, Aimee, kept slipping over and was getting a distressed by it, so we took it in turns to paddle with her. Except when it was my turn, the mini pinks also decided that I needed to be cooled down and soaked me down one side with water. Godson 1 then finished me off by by soaking the other side! As I was fully dressed you can imagine what a bedraggled mess I looked!!
After drying off and changing (thank goodness I had the forethought to bring a spare set of clothes for myself), we headed home. We stopped by the hairdressers for me to have my haircut, and then went to see Grandma for a quick catch up before we all go off on our respective jollies!
Oh and the title refers to the mini pinks who were pretending to be Lizards when this photo was taken!!

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