Have a nice daye!

By Su5hma

Big Mark, Little Ben

Couldn't resist this one!

Another Beautiful day in London! Started off with a bit of a lazy morning before we got the river taxi to the London Eye - before waiting in a relatively quick moving but long queue.

Then it was off to Hamley's so that M could buy his brand new nephew some presents, after Hamley's we went to my kind of toy shop - Bose :-)

We then headed back to the South Bank to meet my cousin S for dinner at Ping Pong (mmmmm all you can eat and cocktails!)

As we had bought all day tickets on the river taxi we then caught the last one all the way down to the O2 and back, was nice to just sit in the breeze on the river and watch London at night going by.

Just a shame that the weekend is now over :-(

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