The Boys Are Back In Town ...

This is my last day of my exhibition today, I finish this afternoon, I have learnt so much from the lovely comments and people whom have visitied my exhibition.

I have laughed and I have cried but it has been great fun, I have really enjoyed this wonderful journey in my life.

I have been so pleased with the kindness from the manager Michael and Jean that I have donated my Circle Of Life image framed from my exibition to them to raffle for the end of August as they are a self funding trust and they have been so kind to Eric and I.

I called the local newspaper yesterday to ask them if they could do a Thankyou for me in our local paper they agreed and said they would come and take photos of me with the image and the manager, I was surpised the photographer turned up this morning.

Thankyou Alan you were such a nice guy, it was great having my photos took by you.

Michael kept making me laugh as he kept coming out with funny comments, I told him to stop it else I would go red in the face, which made him make me laugh more.

Thankyou Michael and Jean for being so kind, it has been a great journey in my life and a great experience.

Love Tracey xxx

Thankyou also Eric for all your support and kindness and help through my exhibition.

Love you lots and always

Tracey xxx

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