Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Holiday: step 1

We've arrived in Whitby for a week's stay. The girls are very giddy, and ice cream was first up on the agenda.

I bought one of those sat navs a few years back that had the added feature of traffic warnings. What a waste that was! Didn't tell us there was a jam until we'd been in it for 20 mins. At least it navigated us here after I took a random road off I suppose. Need to avoid the A64 going home and the worst-designed roundabout in Yorkshire.

Never mind, we're here now and the weather looks OK for tomorrow. A bit of light tea and then some evening cliff strolls. Going to blip this now on the iPad (so a bit of rare colour) and leave the camera at home tonight.

Should be able to catch up on some journals too :)

Oh, and no headache today....woo hoo, first day in over a week. Those dangerous pills certainly did the trick :)

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