horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

There's a Typhoon coming

I was quite pleased to get a shot of the Eurofighter Typhoon condensing the air over it wing, so that's the shot you get. This was out at the East Fortune airshow - neatly bookmarked by a couple of ridiculously fast cycles there and back. Not through my own efforts, but I headed out with a couple of fast friends, and hung onto back wheels as best I could; then coming home was just cycling back with one of them and did the same wheel hugging routine. Jeez it was a workout, but great to feel that burn and my heart trying to break out of my chest.

That said, my shoulder is still sore, and I think I'm going to take the week off the bike to rest it. It seems to aggravate matters (though today wasn't too much of an issue till the last 3 miles or so), and I'm beginning to wonder if the A&E doc's comment of 'I don't think you've cracked any ribs, but we'd just tell you to rest anyway', might prove to be half right.

The show itself sadly had a couple of withdrawals (an autogyro which I was really keen to see, and the Spitfire), but overall was pretty good entertainment. Especially given a couple of glasses of Pimms from one of the better drinks stalls. And I'm really glad I dragged the 500mm lens along. The light wasn't great for the most part, and the early blue skies gave way to greyness, but it was fantastic feeling so close to the action.

Wing walker
Hawker Hunter profile
Buchon ME 109 (a Messerschmitt BF109 with a Merlin engine, used by the Spanish air force, but back in Luftwaffe colours here as it was marked up for a role in the Battle of Britain film)
Fairey Swordfish
P51 Mustang
Trig Pitts Specials
Hurricaneon White
ColourfulHawker Hunter

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