Tea and Escapism

Sometimes I think that Mr K thinks all I do is sit around drinking tea, chatting and watching TV.
Today I went to Mrs C's house for the day.
The kids played out in the garden in the rain for hours.
Mrs C and I watched half of You've Got Mail, two episodes of Pride and Prejudice with the dishy Colin Firth and an episode or two of Friends.
All while drinking tea, eating bagels and biscuits, chatting and surfing the internet.
Hee hee, what a great day!!!
From there I took Miss E to her first gymnastics lesson. She loved it!
My mum came along and we watched her through the window. She was beaming throughout and so obviously loving every second.
It makes me happy to see her so happy!
And I love watching her interact with people on her own. Seeing her chatting and laughing with other children who she's only just met but seems so at ease with.

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