Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Bluebottle (Calliphora vomitoria)

A long day, which started at 2 am when I gave up on the faint hope of falling asleep. I'm sure it was a combination of things for the insomnia; it was very hot and humid, but I reckon work issues were upper most in my mind. I got up and dealt with those issues and by that time I could just see the faint early morning light appearing in the east.

Up and out at 4:30 am in the hope of some early photographs, my second frustration of the day was when a thick bank of cloud came over just as sunrise occured, obliterating any interesting light.

I got to work and implemented the actions I had planned during the night. A quick meeting, followed by the pleasure of offering someone a work placement with us for the coming year. Unfortunately, that was followed by giving feedback to one of the unsuccessful candidates. I was by lunchtime pretty wacked so took the afternoon off.

I have struggled with insect photography so tried to capture one of the legion of flying bugs in the flower boarder. Hope you like.

And now, as I type this we have just had the mother of all thunder storms. Do hope it clears the air and provides a fresher night. Hope you all have a great weekend. If I stay awake I hope to catch up with your journals, which I have failed miserably to keep up with you all over recent weeks. Sorry.

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