
The cat lives partly wild in Ylöjärvi, and visits often our rental cottage area for lunch, snack or late night dinner as today. There is often fresh fish for her. Today she had eaten seven small fish! This was the last one today :-)

We do not know her name or where she has come from. A farmer nearby has this coloured cats, so maybe this is one of his, but for sure this cat is not going to leave the rental cottage area for a long time. She is very tame and nice cat, really loves children and is even a bit playful.

The first day at work was nice, better than I expected, as the night was so lousy really: I slept only for few hours, as the outdoor movie lasted way over midnight and then there was pouring rain drumming the grandparents house's roof. I counted the raindrops. At 7.30am I was exhausted tired and jumped into my swimsuit and went for morning swim. Four canadien geese and two fish were in the lake with me. Peaceful and awakening.

As well as the evening in sauna and cool lake was relaxing.

Hope you had a good start to your week!


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