living in a glass house

By DandelionTree


So how many blippers can you fit in a photo frame? It turns out not as many as you'd like to!

So today is blip 500! Well, it shouldn't be but since this is a backblip it just happens to be and what a happy accident having the big 500 on such a special day!

Today was Gemma and Jame's bliptastic wedding day! I felt truly honoured to be invited to such as special day! It was the first time meeting her and several other wonderful blip families! Of course, with that many blippers in one place I had camera envy big time so I decided to make my contribution an out-takes collage. -- with a gorgeous blip bride and an entourage of framed blippers, many hilarious blip children and a blipper (me) photographing a blipper photographing a blipper photographing a.... (actually I was in the middle of the chain, to see the whole line-up you will have to follow the links)... I've also added a few of my personal favourites of the day.

the lineup starts here!

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