Farnley Park

I seem to have turned a corner today. It was still slow going at the office but I've been in better spirits. I've felt somehow lighter, and there's definitely been a return of energy. I'm feeling much more like myself. It could be that I was indeed able to get a good fill up of gumption on the moor last night. The clouds truly were as spectacular as they are seen in yesterday's blip. The processing I did was merely to try to reproduce the scene as I remember it. When I post in black and white I feel like I have free rein to be creative and modify the image to illicit an emotional response. When I post in colour, for me, it's about recording the scene as faithfully as I can. I must admit that I find that a much harder thing to do.

I enjoyed a lovely cycle in this morning over the moor road, the sun shining but the air a lot cooler than of late. I felt in need of a different route coming back this evening so I went via Thackley, Calverley, Yeadon, Pool and Farnley, first for a bit of variety and some new hills but also so as I could pass the fields you can see here. I suspected that there would be rich blip pickings, especially in the amazing light tonight, the sun burning brightly out of the western sky with dark clouds to the south and east. It was near perfect for photography.

Thank you so much for the hearts yesterday. Perhaps that also helped raise the spirits today. Once again, though, I am embarrassed by being unable to say any personal thank-yous, or respond, as intended, to those who commented on Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. I've been toying with the notion of picking it up to read again. Now I'm not so sure. It had such a huge influence on me first time around that I don't want to dispel the magic!

For now, I need to get a few important bugs fixed ... but I tackle that with considerably more enthusiasm than of late. This is good!

PS This blip from a couple of days ago is taken from the top of the hill in the distance here. You can quite clearly see these two trees. Can you work out which two they are?

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