
It's amazing what a clear-out and a bit of shifting things about can do.
I decided I'd try and see if just turning around Vicky the loom from where she was might help with saving her from being sold.
It did involve sorting out a pile of stuff that had been dumped beside her, and a lot of hoovering and dusting (yes, I was careful and used my inhaler). However, it was well worth the effort and she fits perfectly in her new space, and she looks smaller somehow. It means I can get to her easier so it will make a huge difference working and setting. Also, I've gained even more space in the room too. There are things that have been shifted elsewhere, but they will get sorted out soon.
Even better, another loom that I'd got last year and haven't sold may be going to a new home soon.
All in all a good day, and having a quiet evening to make up for it.

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