
By KirstyHalbert


Just a chilling out day today. We woke late and had a lazy breakfast, then walked tot he beach and hired a sunlounger and parasol. I love swimming in the sea, but M looks a bit like a cat that's been unexpectedly dumped in a bathtub. The waves were a bit bigger today. and the water was a bit cooler. Still nothing like the North Sea though!

Between us, M and I have now read 5 books in the last 5 day - his all factual and mine all trash; it is relaxing to lie in the sun and read without any guilt or thoughts of work intruding. When we got hungry, we headed to the harbour and ate at one of the hundreds of cafes on the waterfront. When we'd eaten (too much!) we decided to have a walk around the marina where all the fishing boats are. All the boats were draped with clothes, towels and fishing nets, drying in the breeze. The fishermen obviously all live on board and all their belongings were crammed into the tiny cabins. Bare lightbulbs hung on exposed wires over the decks, and indoor extension cables snaked across the harbour walkways, charging electrical equipment on board. The plugs were just normal household design - I suppose it doesn't rain here often enough to warrant waterproof ones!

When we got back to the apartment we crashed out on the sofa for a couple of hours, then M cooked chicken kebabs while I made tzatziki (note that my computer want to correct this to Kazantzakis - the author of Zorba the Greek) and a tomato and feta salad. We played poker by candlelight on the balcony as dark fell, before heading inside to bed. M and I have both started to tan nicely, too!

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