Watching .....

..... the night sky.

It's been a while since I've posted a geeky sky at night blip so I thought it must be about time to bore you all again.

This evening just before 11pm I headed out to take a blip of the International Space Station ( ISS ) flying overhead. I'd intended to go to the skate park but it was full of youths doing whatever youths do at 11pm in the summer holidays when there is no adult supervision, so I headed further in to the park and set up my camera. The ISS appeared on cue just after 11pm and I stood there watching it fly over for a few minutes ( blip ).

This week has also been the peak of the Perseid meteor shower and as the skies were relatively cloud free tonight I thought I'd have a go at taking a quick star trail photo and see if I could catch any meteors in the process. As I expected most of the meteors appeared in every direction but where I had my camera pointed, but I did manage to photograph a couple of meteors and have put them on Flickr here and here.

I eventually arrived back home at about 12:30 am and it's a bit late to process the star trail now so will add a link to that on tomorrows blip. As tonight has been fun if a bit geeky, today's blip is .....

..... Watching the night sky.

Larger night sky.

More night sky geekyness.

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