Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Laps of the park

I was begged to take Jnr Jnr back to the park for more riding - there's no stopping her now! She's very confident and doing really well, I just sat on a bench and watched her doing lap after lap, she must had ridden well over a mile.

I knew that her seat needed raising, but a little notch on the the clamping bolt had sheared and it just turned and turned. I had to saw off the whole bolt in the end, not an easy place to get to. Now with the saddle at the right height she's finding it even easier. Her birthday is coming up next month and I get the feeling a 'proper' bike is on the cards. If it replaces this Barbie ten-tonne monstrosity then I'm game. It was gifted to us, and I am incredibly grateful for that as both have learnt on it, but it's a heavy, pink nightmare.

We didn't camp out last night as I forgot the football was on - sorry kids, it trumps everything, you know that ;) I am being really hounded now, but it looks like heavy rain all night.....shall I test their mettle?

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