What's the Story, Man?

Those of you who have clicked on a few of my images will know I take a lot of shots like this.

Single figure or couple. Often walking or looking away. Balanced position in the frame.

This is not the best example (I think my promenade blip is one of my faves like this), but it is typical of the type.

[BTW - try it BIG using the magnifying glass - loads more detail]

I have been questionning why I like images like this and what that tells me about me/my photography. I think its about story. The figure is an anonymous actor. The facing/walking away is about journey or contemplation. As the viewer of the image I can imagine where the figure is going/what they are doing.

I like my pictures to tell a story. And one of the things that makes blip so great is that its all about story - our stories made up of our pictures and our journal entries.

What do you think? What are your photographs about?

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LOTD: Not that he'll need the views, but I really like Dr Craig's "We Love Photographs" blip - not only is he right, there is nothing like getting a good framed print, but the picture is fab and its made me think about how to use light - something I need to work on more.

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