How do I get them down???

I wanted to blip something different today.

The day has been quite normal monday, you see, I checked at 9am to a meeting that did not exist at all (my false note on my calendar, a month too early). So I had a good start to my week... ;)

I have searched for some old romantic lamps today after I got home. Not particular success yet, but in the evening I realized, that there they are: I accidentally had found some romantic old lamps - oh well, the reflection of them anyway!

Thanks for the huge amount of kind stars to my toad yesterday! You obviously liked it! Actually as the skin of toad is slighty poisonous, I was very aware that it could jump to me as I took the macro shot. However I was quite sure too, that he'd sit still in the bright light!

Have a nice monday evening, all!
Susanna ;)

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