Journey Through Time

By Sue


Dang! Do you know how hard it is to give a bird a pedicure?? I hope this one is happy with pink, because that's all I had. ;) This is our Song Sparrow who hangs around. I hope it's a female!! I mentioned pedicure's in a previous blip , which made me do this madness.

It RAINED today. Much cooler and the lawn got a nice sprinkle. After the crazy busy day of yesterday, today was much quieter, although I woke up at 6 a.m. as my knee was hurting....and never did go back to sleep. Oh, the joys of senior citizen hood. Perhaps it hurt because of the change of weather, or because of the crazy busy day of yesterday. It wasn't my pedal to the metal leg, but the other one, so who knows? Not I.

See ya later

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