The Power of Celebrity (Carfest)

Many years ago when I worked in London H used to joke that when I went drinking with my 'London Mates' it was Chris Evans, Danny Baker and Roland Riveron. These were the days of TFI Friday and the like. Clearly it wasn't them I was drinking with but we still consider that group of people 'my london drinking mates' ;)

So here is my London drinking pal Chris Evans, our host for the weekend. I have a massive amount of respect for this man, who seems to be able to have a party doing the stuff he wants (cars and music), gets tens of thousands of people to join in and makes a huge amount of money for charity at the same time. Genius.

He had just auctioned (for children in need) a ride up the hill in one of his cars, as the money went up he kept adding stuff to the prize so it ended up where the winner went up first with Chris in on Ferrari, then with Seasick Steve in another one. They will then go on the breakfast show, read the weather and then go for lunch.. Two people paid £9500 between them for it.

The auction was very interesting, I really have a hankering for a classic Porsche 911..... There were a couple, I was so tempted.

It was raining though and so we packed up and headed back, a very special weekend.

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