Working on a Bank Holiday

Ann has been working all day at STAR LINEN HIRE and it's a Bank Holiday. She should have been sunning herself on our very sunny sun terrace - but try telling that to the holiday makers?!!!!

Anyway, although she has been very busy going here, there and everywhere delivering things she has had quite a nice day.

This afternoon she came home and said, 'Molly, do you want to spend the next few hours at work with me instead of staying home alone?' Obviously I ran to the front door straight away.

When I got to 'STAR' I had the option of lying in the office or lying by the front door. I'm not allowed to go anywhere else in case I leave collie dog hairs on nice clean linen.

Ann had to go out so she asked Joe & Tommy (who were doing the washing & ironing) to look after me. They said I'd been a really good girl and hadn't moved from my spot.

At 5pm Joe & Tommy were going home, Rodga was taking over from them and Ann had to go out again. She wanted to leave me with Rodga but he didn't like me. How can anyone not like me??? Ann said I wasn't to take it personally as he doesn't like any dogs and he didn't feel comfortable with me being left in the office.

So guess what? I got to go out in the STAR CAR. Off we went on a little trip to Carbis Bay.

When we got back I had to wait in the car while Ann had a chat with Rodga and then we walked home.

I'm a bit tired now. Working all afternoon has worn me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ann said, 'Imagine how I feel Molly, I've not had a full day off for over a month. Roll on November???!!!'

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