Billboard Hits

By chicklet

Out In The Street

Bruce Springsteen 1980

I have just spent a couple of HOURS trying to figure out how to make a few little pics into one big one for a kind of collage whatnot - giving up now as exhausted and fed up.

Today I walked the streets for the best part of six hours with a two hour break for lunch at the Foreign Corresp. Club. I love walking cities. Went north a while first into an area that contained no westerners whatsoever. Got lots of good pedal and motor bike shots....walked on to one of the main squares and came across a woman carrying an enormous tray of what looked like the innards of the lotus but I have no idea if they were for eating or decoration. She was hangin' out in her jammies on a very busy street corner that appeared to have been day care corner, properly hundereds of women and pre-school children hanging around while other folks tried to sell them plastic toys.
Post office - always a super experience
Boat tour - not happening, only available with Karioki and it did not seem as though I was welcome.
Quick snap of poster advertising Miss Landmine Cambodia!
Lots of tuk tuk and moto shots
More monks
Spirit houses
Amazing wiring
Amazing old houses
A whole pig on a spit
Boys playing a game that looked like a cross between draughts and chess?
and a dress shop specially for "Freshie Girls".
And the one I picked - it's got locals, it's got a kid, it's got outdoor food and it's got a lovely bunch of coconuts - so what's not to like?
It also represents a step in my activities as I am now finding the face and gestures to ask if it's OK to take a pic, rather than walking on by and regretting not doing so.

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