Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Tunnel of Love

And girl it looks so pretty to me just like it always did
Like the Spanish City to me when we were kids.

A similar shot to one the other day, but we were out on the bikes AGAIN!

Before my accidental monster ride yesterday, we had mentioned to the girls about going on the Monsal Trail as a family - so aching parts aside it had to be done as to not let them down. I woke up feeling a lot better, but I realised that I would end the day with a bad case of saddle sore from my mountain bike. Yep, and some.

Ended up doing a very gentle 20 miles in total, pushing this week's total to over 100 miles. My summer mission of getting fit has been successful.

We stopped off at Miller's Dale for a bite to eat (sausage rolls again) before watching a few kids abseiling off the nearby bridge. I knew one of the instructors as he teaches at Whitehall, a place I take my class each year for a three-day residential of similar outdoor activities. He is so good with the kids and has a great sense of humour.

Jnr Snr and I rode on the full length, leaving Jnr Jnr and Mrs H to turn around post-icecream. We came across two tunnels very close to each other, and I thought I'd get a shot of her lit up in-between them. She knows the way I think now, and was waiting in that far tunnel for the people to clear. This couple walked past me as I was crouched in the other tunnel and I realised they'd make a lovely shot.

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