My Best Efforts - Year 3


What a Contrast!!!!!..............

....................Anni and I had a four and a half river cruise on the Boston Belle river boat - (out of Port of Boston, Lincolnshire UK) - starting at the Boston Marina at 9.00am and returning at about 1.30 pm. These images show a really misty start - very atmospheric and it was strange how quickly one lost the sense of one's whereabouts and sense of direction - it was quite spooky but very beautiful in the feeling of remoteness. The return journey could not have been more different - the sun was out and it was really warm - it did not seem as if we were in the place from which we started four hours ago!
We disembarked and went for a late lunch - then homeward bound - a really nice day out.

Up at 5.15am to a quite foggy morning - met Anni in Boston at 7.30am. This is a very late Blip but having been up so early I admit to dozing off when I got home!!!

Large is a MUST!

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