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This is the Monument to the Great Fire of London. The fire began in a baker’s house in Pudding Lane on Sunday 2nd September 1666 and raged for 3 days. A significant area of London was destroyed and only a few buildings that you see now in London were left standing. For lots more information and some stunning photos read on.

I had been to the Post Office around the corner from here and had stood for a long time in a queue to post Mr F's phone away to be mended. He had given it some tea to drink and it has never been the same since.

Interestingly one didn't have to wait in line to buy a lottery ticket.

Work was crap not good and was very frustrating because other people hadn't done as asked and expected.

While working in the garden at the weekend a nasty insect of unknown origin has stung my ankle and now it is swelling nicely. I'm wondering if I will be able to walk in the morning.

Thank you for yesterday's comments

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